The Game for the Future #Blogg100

#081 [LXXXI]
The Future is a co-op game we all can play and win!

I have done lots of stuff today that I have weaved together in this tapestry.

A Game of Future

I have been listening to Framtidskommissionens [The Future Commission] discussion about reducing the carbon footprint of Sweden. It was a lot of talk about economic growth and GNP. First we need to switch ways to how to measure progress.

They way we measure progress and the goals we set for our future will indirectly influence all people. Like in a boardgame we must assign victory points for goals that are actually worth achieving. And use economic incentive to achieve them. Take it from us boardgamers. We know all about recourse allocation, min-maxing, logistics and worker action placement to maximizing our score in whatever game we are playing.

If there is a way to get points (Read status and power) for something, we will do our utmost to maximize those points. Today many play the game of money. We don’t care how we get them as long as we get more of them.

Let’s design a better game for the future where we get points and money for doing the right thing.

The Future is a co-op game we all can play and win!

Smile Littlefinger, Smalie!

Smile Littlefinger, Smile!

“The night is dark and full of terrors”

Still the best show there is! Watched episode 4 of season 2 again as it aired on Swedish Television tonight. Littlefinger tries so hard to achieve his goals when he plays A Game of Thrones.

The Game for the Future will be triggered by either a crusade or a crisis. We can make the choice. Or we can just wait for more crises and catastrophes to pile up. Then our only choice is to re-act.

Let’s act now and re-design our own future.

Learning to play

Tonight I have been watching some gameplay walkthroughs to 3 new games I have gotten and are going to play this weekend.

Clash of Cultures

I really like that this civilization game doesn’t go into the the modern age. No civilization survives that long. Sid Meyers tried killing of civilizations in the first civilization game. No gamers could accept it so they removed it in the first computergame. Really looking forward to this. It’s in the Mail.

Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island

This is a really hard co-op game that most people haven’t won yet. I’m up for the Challenge to just survive on this Island.

Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery

Making pacts, closed fist auctions and then backstabbing. Sounds like something you only should do in a game (and maybe real politics).

Travel with Social Media Club?

Next Friday I will help moderate Social Media Club in Gothenburg. The subject is Social Media in Public Transport.
I have written some discussion points in Swedish. Now updated with @MikuMaria

1. Hur funkar det: 
Diskutera hur det alllmänt fungerar idag med kommunikation med lokaltrafiken:
+ Vad fungerar bra:
– Vad har förbättringspotential:

2. Välj den optimala kanalen:
I vilken kanal vill du få snabbast svar vid kommunikation med lokaltrafiken?
Via Twitter, Facebook, i en särskild app för din lokaltrafik? Hur är det när det är som bäst?

3. Bygga kollektivtrafiken genom data:
Vill du ha en app som kan optimera lokaltrafik på mindre orter? Där du delar med sig av data som att du fyller i hur du har tänkt resa och när. Researrangören kan sedan lägga rutterna efter resenärerna.
– Hur skulle detta kunna fungera?

4. Framtidsvision:
Hur reser vi med lokaltrafik om tio år med Social Media?
Kan vi då se i realtid var alla fordon befinner sig?
Kan vi se vara alla våra vänner är i realtid om dom satt på den flaggan?
Via WiFi i lokaltrafiken utan att checka in?
Kan du alltid se dina barn?
Vill vi ens veta allt det här i framtiden eller är det nu när tekniken är ny som vi är nyfikna?


2 thoughts on “The Game for the Future #Blogg100

  1. Pingback: Civilization games FTW #Blogg100 | The Spring is my Love

  2. Pingback: Cloud Atlas & Is your life a Drop in the Bucket? #Blogg100 | Holistic Thinking Ninja

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